Music Monday | FIONA APPLE

I spent an insane amount of hours this week listening to Fiona Apple. Since receiving her first album from my mom in '96 she's remained one of my favorite artists of all time. It's impossible to tire of her songs, even though the wait between each release can be pretty long and excruciating. I've written down so many of her lyrics as inspiration for future projects. Her music suits any occasion. Shockingly, the first lyric I've used in a piece is this new design decked out in Giants colors >>
The song is called Valentine (which should show up again in my repertoire - seeing as how it flat out mentions "valentine.")
Her lyrics evoke such vivid scenes and speak perfectly to often inexplicable and complicated emotions. Fiona sometimes gets a bad rap for being a man-hater or pessimist, which she even bemoans in Please Please Please and could not be further from the truth. Her ability to tear a dude a new one after a break-up is the freakin' best, but she just as magically sings about you doing you and finding happiness within yourself. Also, if you haven't read the letter she wrote to a young gay fan in 2000 you just gotta. SO empowering and thoughtful!
I can truly say that I wouldn't be the person I am today had I not grown up listening to Fiona Apple and I am boundlessly thankful for her! Every song of hers is my favorite so listen to all of her albums. OH and this song she did with Johnny Cash is incredible >>
Father and Son
What's your favorite song by her???